Find Out How to Flourish Financially by Rewriting Your Money Story
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Breaking the Cycle: Rewriting your Money Story (because it is holding you back!)
Whether you are conscious of it or not, somewhere along the way you have developed your own money narrative in your mind. This story provides a unique insight into your subconscious mind including your ambitions, desires, and fears around money.
Our connection with storytelling begins when we are children, and it continues long into adulthood. From assigning meaning to past events, to editing out things that don’t fully match our narrative, the stories we tell ourselves can have a huge impact on our lives.
While it’s great to have these stories, sometimes, they may be skewed or completely false. Ever tell yourself you’re a loser when it comes to money management or that you don’t deserve money (or happiness)? How about that you are not good enough? Those are false stories that don’t deserve space in your mind or life. Rewriting these stories will allow you to live a happier, more fulfilled life. Not to mention help you flourish financially!
Are you wondering if what you are telling yourself about money is false? Or how you can rewrite this narrative? Discover everything you need to know in this ecourse.
Sign up today and you’ll Learn:
- Why the money story we tell ourselves is so important.
- What money story you are telling yourself & where it comes from.
- How to fact check your money story to see if it’s true.
- The steps to take to change your money narrative.
- How to break the cycle of telling false stories.
- Ways to flourish financially
- …and a whole lot more
Claim Your Free Access:
Breaking the Cycle: Rewriting your Money Story
4-Part eCourse
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If you are ready to make a positive impact on your life, get signed up right now. Just enter your first name and email address above to get you started. It’s free!
Here’s to Your Success,